Каждиы год перед днем роздением нападает какая то невиносимая тоска... (pitaus pisat translitom...posmotrim 4ego viydet..) И вроде нет никакои особои при4ини, но дется от нее нелзя,.. в етот год еще хузе.. я вообще склонна впадат в какое-то романтично- депресивное состояние, а етот год вообще полон не разрешимих вопросов, уверенности нет ни в 4ем,i.e. вообще.. , так много вопросов и не одного ответа хот сколко нибуд отве4аущего.. www.diary.ru/~EdinorEilian/ абсолутно согласна, "дракони" за зиму проголодалис, и виползли вместе с первим солни6ком 4тоби напомнит о себе, мол "вот он я, саску4илис наверно?.." и так паpoтивненко улибаутся и на4инаут на6ептиват так пихо и настои4ива, как на4инаущаяся зубная бол о том 4то уже казалос или забито, или не важно....
So, went to the UK with my SCHB, spend wonderful 3 days in Cambridge, meeting old friends, dancing salsa ... One notable observation, after a year in France, English food is so awful, not edible at all..('ve been spoilt already) After went with his sister and her family (husband and 2 kids, 1 and 4 years) to french mountains snowboarding, my god!how good!) so many funny moments, ----we were having dinner (my favourite raclette children playing on the floor, then the older one holding something in his hand stood up asking what is it pointing at the object in his hand.. tadam.. my underwear..)(not to forget his family is french speaking) ----in CBG after punting, went to la taska to have something to drink, decided to take a carafe of sangria, first time ever i really felt drunk..) we could not stand up, so needed to order some food and sit for 1.5 more hours) ....
ok... kak vstavlyat foti suda, ya ne pomnu.. hotelos' rasskazat isporiu v kartinkah.. anyway segodnya le4u v mou lubimuu angliu..poverit ne mogu 4to tak dolgo tam ne bila, i 4to umudrilas tak vlubitsya, 4to pereehala v Switzerland. kotoraya nikogda osobogo vostorga ne vizivala... segodnya s utra zdala examen0 a ve4erom budu v :ambridge na salsa! unbelievable my significant other, kak na zlo zabolel.. tak 4to kak eto vse budet viglyadet ya ne znau. zabila 4to pi6u s telefona a tut est russkiy ya zik. ok.probuu так жж понятия не имею где тут иглмш (bukvi) vse hadoelo. tak bistree i previ4nee..
ritori4eskiu vopros.po4emu vse tak slozhno?..otno6eniya trebuut ogromnogo terpeniya, ponimaniya, dialoga.:
a ya ne samiy lu46iy peregovorwik.. gde gran kogda pora vse brosit'? kak ne pereputat ee s toi pregradoi,preodalev kotoruu stanovitsya legko i teplo?.. damn it to hell forever.!
sizhu.. zdu kogda on pridet s raboti domoi,.. vidumivau 4em bi ego nakormit... is this me? do i really want this? most of the times the answer is "oui", nonetheless sometimes i am so freaking not sure...
....Just a few words so current location — Switzerland— France current occupation— student in a uni that no one heard about (and this is instead of Warwick or Durhem and after Cambridge for 2 years) current marital status— in a couple, French- Russian tandem, NB me- no French (nearly), he- no Russian (at all), so main language is English, which sometimes becomes pretty "Broken English" (other juicy details on this will come in the future posts..) current friends circle— abso-fckng-lutely LONELY current inspirations— Lev Tolstoi, and anything that can make me think current tune— Augustana -Boston, Pink, Doga current movie— SATC the series
itak, ya perebralas v Genevu, Switzerland.. Iz za serde4nih pri4in..) davolno slozhno, given that i do not speak the language (french) but it is possible to survive in this city just with english..