let me stay
about what hurt me when i was little and what i can not forget, forgive, or just let go of.
my dad.
as loving as father can possibly be, and as demonic as a tyran the others.
he was drinking, 2 a year, but so that the whole city knew, here he comes!
i hated him.
him coming before the sun, yelling,smoking cigars and turning on Visotskiy as load as he could.hate Visotskiy singing.hate.the lyrics are precious, but the voice the guitar.. cant stand it..he was yelling so loud, when mom would close their bedroom the worse would start.
he never swears, never when sober, but here.. never could imagine the things.
he would yell that he would fukc my mom if she would not open up, saying how worthless she is,
sometimes mom would tern for help to my younger brother, and this was truly scary and ..so disgusting .. she was so miserable ,helpless,
he was 11 i recall.
his 'apa', the look of him when he saw us in this days-trying to pretend that there is no huge drunk green elephant in the room, and he would say this 'apa' i do something resembling the high-5..
i love him
i terribly do so
at the wedding he got drunk first in 5 years i believe, and i could not stand the site of him,
wanted to run away as far as i coul seeing mom and brother again with this expression on their faces, the one from the nightmares
this was the first drama,i believe as i was hardly 3 and i remember coming up in the morning heading to the parents room and the glass door was all broken, glass everywhere,mom trying to put us back as not to hurt ourselves, but i saw him in the door way- smiling at me ..
i cant forget this,i did forgive each and every time, but the still next time of mom screams was to come,
2 a year
spring and fall
fall was the worse
with school and fake smiles
and going back home, to this smell of cigars and alcohol
what is it all about? marseille the team my now husband is supporting just won the champion's title and he returned from the pub
smelling so strongly like an alcohol, i burst in tears and screams of my own, i cant not do so, i must not but ..
he yelled back that he is not my dad, he would not drink, and had to write, i had to share this. this huge drunk green elephant
that was inside for a damn long time

and here i am, a bride at a time and now a wife
just back from the honeymoon
and just got first photos from photographer=)
not bad?=)
Can't believe for how long I was away..
As always after n months many news the most important and huge- wedding.
Next month
on the 26th of march
can not believe it
I am stressed but happy! Fed up with preparations and terribly scared from time to time.. Me
kak dobirus do doma otpi6us..
Суть ф-моба в том, что вы отмечаетесь, я называю вам 3 каких-нибудь действия, а вы рассказываете о них. Если умеете - как вы это делаете, как учились, нравится ли вам, сложно ли это - в общем, всё, что придёт в голову; если не умеете - соответственно, почему, и пробовали ли учиться и т.д.Наличие в рассказе суровой правды жизни, лирических отступлений и подробностей приветствуется ))Отвечать лучше у себя в дневе, а сюда ставьте ссылку.
1. удивляться
2. смотреть фильмы
3. играть в теннис
1) lublu udivlyatsya, 4to bi radostno!yarko! a ne pe4alno...lublu surprizi..o4en..
2)Smotret filmi -ABAZHAU.. lublu starie sovetskie- sluzhebniy roman, S legkim parom,
lublu Piter FM, artistka,
love actually
sherlock Holmes (uk)SATC series ...
lublu smotret filmi odna, bezumno razdrozhayut commentarii ludei poseredina filma, dazhe samih blizkih..
3) =)))))))kak ti uznal pro tennis=)?
Roditeli hoteli 4to bi at any poit in time children zanimalis sportom, po etomu estestvenno 4to ya eto delo nenavidela, mne blizhe bila knigka, 4em eto skakanie...
v odin iz periodov, menya otdali na tennis....ya ego ne lubila, ya zabivala trainers, mya4iki.... kak i vse moi istorii so sportom (po4ti vse) ennis zakon4ilsya samim nelepim obrazom...
bila zima, mi zanimalis na zakritom legkoatleti4eskom stadione. V zentre mal4iki igrali v futbal, s boku mi igrali. No pered kazhdoi trenirovkoi mi dolzhni bili probigat n-krugov po stadionu.....begat ya ne lublu, no 4to zhe delat..begala...i v odin morozniy den na tennisnoi trenirovke, mne v golovu priletel footbalniy mya4..
mesyats doma
podnyatoe nastroenie garantiruu=)
Сегодня Айзи принесла в универ эту бумаженцию, даже сейчас разогнуться не могу...!!!!! Радуй так почаще, дорогой наш Херанука Помячука!!!
Гейша Атомули Ядалато.
Крестьянин Накосика Сукасена.
Певица Ятасука Накомоде.
Метрдотель Мояхата Сыровата.
Сутенер Комухари Комусиси.
Врач Комуто Херовато.
Композитор Толисику Толикаку.
Пианистка Херанука Пороялю.
Японский фyтболист: Hакатика Hаебyка
Его напаpник: Хеpанyка Помячyка
Японский боксеp: Хеpанyка Поебалy
Японский гонщик: Тояма Токанава
Его оппонент: Токанава Такияма
Японский снайпер: Томимо Токосо
Топ-модель Хиросиму Явидала
Японская певица: Тохрипо Товизго
Сэнсей Совсейдури Охуячу.
Наркоман Найдука Ядури
Тяжелоотлет Тегири Ненаши
Сказочники Присяду Науши и Ялапшито Науши-Повешу
Азеpбайджанский мyзыкант: Обpыгай-yглы
Ветеринар Мацал Кошек.
Полководец Нолемоцийэ.
Вредный грек Наполнасракис.
Посол Слюнидополу
Проститутки Стояна Ракова, Лежана Раздвиногова.
Порноактер Ганс Трахтенбюргер.
Порноактриса фрау Шлюхер.
Просто добрый поляк Бздашек Западловский
Боксер Вынька Мелоч.
Повара Де Блюю, Оливье Жюй де Глотай.
Турецкая: Музыкант Обстул Задом-бей.
Бегун Огого Добегулия.
Владелец соpтиpа: Hабздел
Посол Стри Бестреску.
Футболист Взад Стамэску.
Каратист Мочи Ногами
Бизнесмен Маловато Навару
Порноактёр Заяицкий
Порнозвезда Минета Вротоберуччи
Секретарша Блядовина Ди Курваджио
Ереванский садовник: Газон Засеян
* * *
О, мой застенчивый герой,
ты ловко избежал позора.
Как долго я играла роль,
не опираясь на партнера!
К проклятой помощи твоей
я не прибегнула ни разу.
Среди кулис, среди теней
ты спасся, незаметный глазу.
Но в этом сраме и бреду
я шла пред публикой жестокой -
все на беду, все на виду,
все в этой роли одинокой.
О, как ты гоготал, партер!
Ты не прощал мне очевидность
бесстыжую моих потерь,
моей улыбки безобидность.
И жадно шли твои стада
напиться из моей печали.
Одна, одна - среди стыда
стою с упавшими плечами.
Но опрометчивой толпе
герой действительный не виден.
Герой, как боязно тебе!
Не бойся, я тебя не выдам.
Вся наша роль - моя лишь роль.
Я проиграла в ней жестоко.
Вся наша боль - моя лишь боль.
Но сколько боли. Сколько. Сколько.
obozhau Sluzhebniy roman..
Новая игра, нашёл у November Light:
1. Отмечаетесь в комментариях,а я вам даю ЦВЕТ.
2. Вы пишете на своем дайрике 4 ассоциации с этим цветом, а именно:
а) связанную с детством;
б) связанную с чувством;
в) связанную с природой;
г) связанную с чем/кем угодно (по желанию).
Edinor Eilian
to-kate - light-blue)
а) в детстве нам нужно било зимои гулят с братом, а зими суровие, ветренние (хабаровские), и ми ети прогулки терпет не могли, тем не менее било одно занятие которое ми обожали- а именно ложится на снег и смотрет не небо, даже теплее как то становилос...
у нас в хабаровске столко же солне4них днеи в году, сколко и в Со4и, толко у нас они зимои..=)
у лежали ми так пока ктонибуд не увидит и не сгонит нас со снега- 4то би по4ки не отмораживали..
б)с 4увством...нежно голубая бивает груст', с приmешкои серого...в етих тонах спокоино, уютно, как дома под пледом и с книжкои в руке, и даже не просто с книжкои, а со сказкои... бред коне4но, но тк вот я ето вижу, (пардон, 4увствуу)=)
c)небо из детства, доздик то же может бит, настолги4ескиы такои...
d)best friend- Рита.. 4истая краска, романти4ная, невероятно нежная и добрая, скусная, прохладная- все она
So i am taken my usual path..in a few steps there is a postcard saying something along the lines of "take the other path" and a huge arrow pointing in the direction i just came from (and there are a great number of digging machines)... Oh,well , i think, this is not to be sad about, turning back and like a good girl go back..
After crossing 5 roads that are there and being one road away from the direction i have to go, there is another still huge board saying "take the other path" and again a huge arrow pointing me to the opposite direction .....and again lots of people in helmets and diggers....
so i went back (the first way was accompanied with lesser opportunities for death, i.e. less cars and heavy lorries...) and jumped over the holes, etc...
17 30 48
140 10 01
126 138
140 3 501
2 46 38 1
116 14 20!
15 14 21
14 0 17
14 126 14
132 17 43...
16 42 511
704 83
170! 16 39
514 700 142
612 349
17 114 02
2 15 42
42 15
37 08 5
20 20 20!
7 14 100
02 00 13
37 08 5
20 20 20!
511 16
5 20 337
712 19
in english
by the castle from 8 to 11 p.m.
I loved
loved it..
The actors were suited so well for the roles (just one slight critique, CLOTEN and POSTHUMUS LEONATUS were played by the same person.)
Postumus and Imogen by John Faed
Posthumus, a man of low birth but exceeding personal merit, has secretly married his childhood friend Imogen, daughter of King Cymbeline. Cymbeline, upon finding out, banishes Posthumus from the kingdom. His faithful servant Pisanio, however, remains.
Jachimo, a soldier in the Roman army, makes a bet with Posthumus that he can tempt Imogen to commit adultery. Jachimo sneaks into her bedchamber and examines her while she sleeps, stealing a bracelet. Then he tells Posthumus he has won the bet, offering the bracelet as proof, along with details of Imogen's bedchamber and naked body. Posthumus orders his faithful servant Pisanio to murder the falsely besmirched Imogen. Pisanio warns her instead, then helps her fake her death, and to disguise herself as a boy. He sends her to Milford Haven on the West Coast of Britain. There she befriends "Polydore" and "Cadwell" who, unbeknownst to her, are really Guiderius and Arviragus, her own brothers.
Twenty years before the action of the play, two British noblemen swore false oaths charging that Belarius had conspired with the ancient Romans, which led Cymbeline to banish him. Belarius kidnapped Cymbeline's young sons in retaliation, to hinder him from having heirs to the throne. The sons were raised by the nurse Euriphile, whom they called mother and took her for such.
At the play's resolution, virtually the entire cast comes forth one at a time to add a piece to the puzzle. Cornelius, the court doctor, arrives to dazzle everyone with news that the Queen, Imogen's stepmother, is dead, reporting that with her last breath she confessed her wicked deeds: she never loved old Cymbeline, she unsuccessfully attempted to have Imogen poisoned by Pisanio (without Pisanio's knowledge), and she was ambitious to poison Cymbeline so Cloten, her own son, could assume the throne.
Cymbeline concludes with an oration to the gods, declares peace and friendship between Britain and Rome, and great feasting in Lud's Town (London), concluding "Never was a war did cease, / Ere bloody hands were washed, with such a peace."
from Wikipedia
the sad thing was- mon cheri was as far away from enjoying the play as one can be..
firstly english was a little confusing for him, (well, Shakespeare is not the easiest one to understand..)
nonetheless he had never regretted to have come..
i dont think that i can ask for more from him at this stage, he is obviously not interested in 'cultural' education as it is, BUT and thats a big BUT, we already managed not only to go to musical (Chicago), but also to a violin concert in Praha and now Shakespeare...
not that bad,ah?
How the hell do i manage to f.k up everything?
Why am i so ruthless?
The fact is- i am so f.ked up.
I am capable of really anything,
I'll cut you into peaces
When my heart is
The other fact is- I never mean to hurt!
I am dying myself, in the first place..
So, i am on holidays, and stayed at home for the day, wanted to spent it roller-blading, self beauty restoring after a month of not caring at all,etc..
but it was raining, i could not sleep as neighbours were undertaking some works, so woke up not in the best of the moods. Moreover the last night on my question whether he is coming home the other night or going to salsa, he replied that he is to go to salsa, and he had fallen asleep..
nonetheless, in the morning i found his salsa shoes and somehow was so sure that he will come home...
...i spent days cleaning cooking.. in one phrase- getting ready for him to come to me..
in the end, of course, he decided to go to salsa...
funny enough, weather.com never forecasted shit storm for today, still, shit storm it was.
i yelled, i cried, its unbelievable what a monster i am once "my heart is broken"..
i am so afraid of loosing him, i am so stupid.
thats the straightest way to loosing my everything,..
its killing me how i hurt him
but i cant control it.
Zatem golos i manara chteniya molitv.. U nas ponyatno, a tut on pel. Ya normalno otnoshus(otnosilas) k peniu v church, no tut... On ne chital on pel, moya mama kogda mi s bratom bili malenkie pitalas nam pet kolibelnie... Mi plakali, oraly i vsyacheski protestovali... Mama prekratila.. Eto bilo premerno tozhe owuwenie (p.s. Ya obsolutno ni4ego protiv franzuskoi zerkvi ne imeu, kak i verovaniya per ce.. Prosto predsoyawee mariage zastavilo vnimatelno zadumatsya i oglyadetsya
Bili 6 detok na etom meropriyatii minut 4 erez 40 vse zakon4ilos i mi schaslivo 25 chelovek franzuskoi semi poehali domoi na prazdni4 nii obed plavno peretekauwiy v uzhin..
Den v zelom udalsya, nes4itaya togo chto ya blagodarya sebu upala so skameiki spinoi vniz na gravii vo vremya obeda, on sverhu na menya i na nas vinovnitsa vsego etogo bezobraziya- skamieka..
Spina bolit)
where is the love?
how can you sleep when the rest of us cry?
go to boston...start a new life..
its unbelievable how many thoughts and ideas cross one's mind, and hoe there is no time and chance to record them.
together with the facts of a huge amount of free time,desperate desire to have something 'fixed' (as in opposite of ever changing) and love for a good books, i logically turned to reading.. Tolstoy is all time favourite , but what i try now is philosophy, natural philosophers, sophists, Socrates, Aristotle now.. (Tolstoy is seen as philosopher as well, most notably influencing Gandhi with his ideas)
Suprisenly to myself i find all this theories of a great interest to me! so thinking of posting some posts about them, shall i?
Aristotel klassifitsiroval okruzhauwuu sredu,
mne nado klassifitsirovat svoi
i tak
первая история о 2х грузинах ,которые курили травку прям в доме(в течении 6 месяцев) не выходя из дома.гудела пжарная сирена,хозяива предупреждали-ноль эмоций,приехали родители извинялись клялись и божились-через 2 месяца ве повторилось..их выгнали..они еще перетащили кровати из одной комнаты в другую,сломали их...пробили в стене дыру..
следующая итория о принце какой-то африканской спраны...в первое утро он попросил хозяйку завязать ему шнурки-ибо его высочетво не умеет-для этого есть специальные люди...хозяину сказал отвести его в школу ,тони спешил на работу,мальчик сказал что ладно так уж и быть с завтрешнего дня возить начнете,на это тони нежненько так обьяснил ,что придется милому такси ободиться..
далше -больше-китаец готовил какое-то блюдо там где по сценарию-пламя огня столбом со сковороды-пошло как предпологалоь-пламя было, но немножко мальчик переборщил-загорелась кухня..
другая крвавица сделала то ,что запрещает делать первое правило микроволновки-засунула яйцо-рвануло так что микровалновка загорелась-она понесла ее в туалет-в унитаз...
еще одна прелесть положила консервную банку с мясом в уже другую-новую микроволновую печь(предыдущая скончалась бесславно в унитазе)...какого слоя гарь была на печи представить не сложно..
но первое мето занимает девоча из израиля-...заходит тони в ванную и видит в душе, в дырке куда вода стикает зубную щетку с зубочисткой..он в растерености-как никак странное место для щетки и зубочитки-он думал может она волосы вычщала..,но решил спросить -проверить(как же он это зря сделал..)выянилоь,что в израиле туалеты представляют собой дырку в полу(была в израиле ничего такого не помню)..в ванне было одна-единственная дырка такого рода..,но почему-то туда ничего не провалилось..вот она и ...помогала ,так сказать,...
как мы смеялись представить не реально..
January brings the snow
Makes your feet and fingers glow
February's Ice and sleet
Freeze the toes right off your feet
Welcome March with wintry wind
Would thou wer't not so unkind
April brings the sweet spring showers
On and on for hours and hours
Farmers fear unkindly May
Frost by night and hail by day
June just rains and never stops
Thirty days and spoils the crops
In July the sun is hot
Is it shining? No, it's not
August cold, and dank, and wet
Brings more rain than any yet
Bleak September's mist and mud
Is enough to chill the blood
Then October adds a gale
Wind and slush and rain and hail
Dark November brings the fog
Should not do it to a dog
Freezing wet December then:
Bloody January again!
So the idea of playing the game failed completely and utterly!..
will write random rubbish
i am selfish, i cant allow beloved one with any space for him, everything must belong to me
idea of him having fun somewhere else killing,
i am jealous, pathetically, what can be worse than womens jealousy? i dont know..
we had this accident, he went out for lunch with a girl telling me that it was a business meeting as he had no time during the day to figure,
first thing i got to know that he went not to canteen, but out in the city, second how much he suddenly knows about her, thirdly that he lied and just wanted to have lunch with her, at the same time being afraid about my possible reactions...
i hated him
i was killed
i was destroyed..
but apparently nothing had happened, and i was overreacting ..
nut i just need him, i tie him with every possible thing
i go to the gym with him , just to share his interests (to be completely honest here, i like it by now.., but thats another story)
i feel like Karenina, who tied Vronskogo with everything she could, and look how well it ended!)
i know that my way is the shortest way to loose him
on the other hand i dont really want to get married right now either..
he went to salsa alone tonight,, dont get me wrong, i have nearly nothing against, then for lord's sake tell me why it hurts so f..ing much
i am pathetic, cest sa.
2 Michelin stars restaurant (out of 3 ), 9 course dinner where the one thing i will not forget- was fish in flowers, literally- anutini glazki for example...
was great but as always for me- too much food..
so after... instead of going home, we spent a night there in a really nice room(king bed, hot tub in the middle of it, fireplace.. realllly nice)
and then something happened, something i was not expecting..
a ring
"the" ring,
the diamond ring, which at first i did not appreciated at all...
that was so unexpected..
and i got scared, really, i could not find the words to say, the smiles to smile...